
In this file you will find everything you will ever need to know about this Bot!

About this Bot

🚀Image generation, chatgpt like chat, and more. Experience the possibilities of AI! ✨.

AI Bot - Terms of Service


    This document outlines the terms of service for our AI Bot, which provides image generation, story generation, quote generation and chatbot services. Please read these terms carefully before using our services. By using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms.

    Use of Services:

    Our AI Bot services are provided for personal, non-commercial use only. You may not use our services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. You are solely responsible for your use of our services and for any consequences thereof.

    Image Generation:

    Our image generation service uses artificial intelligence to generate unique images based on your input. While we strive to provide high-quality images, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or quality of the images generated.

    Quote Generation:

    Our quote generation service uses artificial intelligence to generate unique quotes based on your input. While we strive to provide high-quality quotes, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability or quality of the quotes generated.


    Our chatbot service uses artificial intelligence to respond to your queries. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful responses, our chatbot may not always provide the correct answer or understand your query.

    Proprietary Rights:

    All content generated by our AI Bot, including images, stories, quotes, and chatbot responses, is not copyrighted. You may use, reproduce, distribute, or display any of this content for any commercial purpose without our prior written consent.

    Disclaimer of Warranties:

    Our services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of our services or the information, content, materials, or products included on our services.


    We dont tolerate any heavily inappropaite content like child pornograhpy. We can revoke your Access to Stable Diffusion at any time if you violate our terms and service.

    Changes to Terms of Service: We reserve the right to modify these terms of service at any time, without notice. Your continued use of our services constitutes your agreement to be bound by the then-current terms of service.

    Contact Information: If you have any questions about these terms of service, please contact us at

    Privacy Policy for AI Bot

    At AI Bot, we take the privacy of our users seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines the information we collect and how it is used and protected.

    1. Information Collection:
      We collect requiered information when you use our AI Bot services, such as your input. This information is used to make our service function.

    2. Information Use:
      The requiered information collected will automatically be deleted after the command has been used.

    3. Information Protection:
      We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your information against unauthorized or unlawful processing.

    4. Information Sharing:
      We dont share any of your information. We keep everyones information private and protected until it gets deleted.

    5. Changes to Privacy Policy:
      We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, without notice. Your continued use of our services constitutes your agreement to be bound by the then-current Privacy Policy.

    6. Contact Information:
      If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [].

    Getting Started

    Say command Start by typing the command "/say" followed by the desired text you want to send to the chatbot. For example, you can type "/say "hello"" to have the chatbot respond with "hello, how are you" for example.

    Image command To generate an image using the AI bot, use the "/image" command followed by the "model" parameter, which has two options: "stable diffusion" for high quality images, and "dall e" for an older image generation model. You can also include a "seed" for the image, as well as the desired number of "steps" and the desired "aspect-ratio". For example, you can type "/image model: stable diffusion: prompt: Forest seed: 12345 steps: 10 aspectratio: Wide" to generate an image using the "stable diffusion" model, with seed 12345, 10 steps, and an wide aspect ratio.

    What does "steps" do? The "steps" parameter specifies the number of iterations or updates that the AI model will make while generating the image. This can affect the quality and complexity of the generated image. Generally, a higher number of steps will result in a more detailed and complex image, but it will also take longer for the AI model to generate the image. On the other hand, a lower number of steps will result in a simpler and less detailed image, but it will be generated more quickly.

    What does "seed" do? The "seed" parameter can also be used to generate the same image multiple times. If you specify the same "seed" value each time you use the "image generation" command, the AI model will generate the same image each time, assuming all other parameters are the same. This can be useful if you want to generate the same image with a different number of "steps", for example. By using the same "seed" value, you can generate the same image with a different number of "steps" to see how it affects the image quality and complexity. This can help you fine-tune the image generation process to get the best results.

    Describe command Start by finding the image you want to describe on your device in either JPEG or PNG format. Open the AI bot and type the command "/describe" followed by the image you want to describe. For example, you can type "/describe {Image}" to describe the image. The AI bot will then generate a description of the image, detailing its contents.

    Note: The accuracy and quality of the description may vary depending on the complexity of the image.

    Also remember to always include all the necessary parameters for each command. You can also include additional parameters if desired.

    In-bot help

    You also have the option to get help on all the bot commands right through discord with the use of the bot's internal help command.

    Important: By using AI Bot you agree to the privacy police and our terms of service.
    Use dh imagepolicy for more information.

    Adding the bot

    To add the bot to your server click here.

    This does needs you to either be the owner of the server or have "manage server" permissions.


    • < > : Required Argument
    • [ ] : Optional Argument

    Main AI Commands

    • Image
    • Description : Let's you generate an image using either Stable Diffusion or Dall-E mini.
      Usage : /image < model > < prompt > [ aspectratio ] [ steps ] [ seed ]
      Example : /image "Stable Diffusion" "Foggy mountains" "50" "12345"
      Note : The optional options are only working for Stable Diffusion.
    • Quote
    • Description : Let's you generate an AI made Quote.
      Usage : /quote
      Example : /quote
    • Chatbot
    • Description : Let's you have a chat with AI Bot.
      Usage : /say < prompt >
      Example : /say "hey, how are you?"
    • Describe
    • Description : Let's you describe your images.
      Usage : /describe < image attachment >
      Aliases : /describe "test.png"

    • Basic commands
      • /help
      • /invite
      • /news
      • /ping